Angry ocean waves crash and slosh to and fro

Engineering that works in the wild

Does your project, your business, or your mission depend on the performance of floating ocean structures?

About Kelson Marine

Kelson Marine specializes in predicting how highly dynamic structures will perform and survive in the ocean. We combine our advanced knowledge of ocean engineering with years of on-the-water experience. We deliver innovative, efficient, and reliable systems as well as robust, economical design solutions to complex ocean engineering challenges. 

Our project requires a deep understanding of ocean dynamics, the behavior of physical structures in a dynamic ocean environment, combined with the ability to model new and innovative materials and designs, and Kelson Marine brings that to the team.

Beth Zotter
CEO of Umaro Foods

Kelson Marine Is:

  • Smart—we understand the physics of fluid and structures in the ocean and use our knowledge to solve complex ocean engineering problems.
  • Innovative—we develop new solutions and apply methods from other fields in novel ways.
  • Thorough–we know and follow design standards and rely on digital twin modeling to demonstrate viability.
  • Efficient–we develop effective and efficient approaches to common components of problems.
  • Seasoned– our on-the-water experience and field-validated methods mean that we can predict the ocean’s impact on performance. 


If you’re looking for a new way to solve the problems of your ocean energy or aquaculture project, let’s talk.

Contact Us

The ocean offers enormous potential for producing food and renewable energy. But the performance and survival of dynamic ocean structures and its infrastructure are constantly challenged by complex operations and the inherently harsh impact of currents, waves and storms. Kelson Marine offers design and risk-mitigation engineering services for high-performing floating ocean structures, as well as third-party certification and technical advising for impact investors.

Kelson Marine has emerged as a leader in the ocean engineering industry.

Javier Infante
Ocean Rainforest

A thorough assessment of your ocean energy and aquaculture arrays’ potential requires a keen understanding of ocean dynamics. At Kelson Marine, we know how the ocean works and can predict with accuracy how wave, wind, and current forces will impact your finfish, shellfish, or macroalgae farm. Uncertainty leads to unexpected costs and lost opportunities. Our field-validated methods and techniques can take you from uncertainty to confidence, showing in advance how your wave, tidal, or floating solar device will perform in the water, identifying risk areas, and designing next-generation solutions to maximize yield, ease of operations, and return on investment.

Case Studies

Real solutions to real challenges in the ocean.

See All Case Studies

We Mean Business

Kelson, by the numbers.

  • 4Hemispheres served
  • 11,200+Design and Load Cases Evaluated
  • 10Full-Scale, In-Ocean Validation Datasets
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News & Media

We're getting some attention in the press

Ntsoane_Commonalities between Offshore Wind and Aquaculture

Offshore Wind and Aquaculture: Ntsoane presents at Intl. Partnering Forum

Kelson CEO Toby Dewhurst stands on stage in front of the presentation at Seagriculture EU 2023

Dewhurst Presents at Seagriculture EU on Resolving ‘Offshore’ Aquaculture

Toby Dewhurst, Kelson's CEO, accepting the 2023 SCORE Award for Best Innovative Small Business

SCORE Maine names Kelson "Best Innovative Small Business" in 2023

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We’re working to build the type of company we always wanted to work for. Hard-working but reasonable. Joyfully solving thorny problems. A blend of technical prowess and real-world action. 

Is Kelson in your future?

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Now, it is no very easy matter for anybody—except those who are almost hourly used to it, like whalemen—to clamber up a ship's side from a boat on the open sea; for the great swells now lift the boat high up towards the bulwarks, and then instantaneously drop it half way down to the kelson.

Herman Melville
Moby Dick

Does the success of your project rely on the performance of floating ocean structures? Let’s talk. Connect with us on LinkedIn or send us an email.

© 2025 Kelson Marine, Inc.